Department of Historic ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know


The Virginia Cultural Resources Information System (VCRIS) is an online database that contains the inventory of buildings, districts, archaeological sites, and other types of properties. VCRIS allows researchers, cultural resource professionals, land managers, and other qualified users record sites and properties, as well as to conduct background research to support cultural resources management activities.

VCRIS Accounts Manager

Public Viewer

  • Architecture/above-ground points and historic district polygons
  • Limited information about each resource
  • Available to anyone
  • Does not meet requirements for Section 106/Project Review background research
  • No login required; free

Licensed VCRIS

  • Architecture/above-ground polygons
  • Archaeology polygons (for qualified registrants only)
  • Archaeological survey boundaries
  • DHR Easement boundaries
  • Detailed information about each resource
  • Digital photos, reports, and documents
  • Meets requirements for Section 106/Project Review background research
  • Fees apply

Architecture Data Entry Basics [pdf] explains the VCRIS workflow including how to obtain a DHR identification number for a new property and how to update an existing record at the reconnaissance and intensive level. Information about recording historic districts is also included.

FAQ & Troubleshooting

Sensitive Archaeological Data

Virginia’s archaeological data is sensitive and protected under the Code of Virginia §2.2-3705.7 (10), the National Historic Preservation Act 54 U.S.C. § 307103(a), and/or the Archaeological Resources Protection Act 6 U.S.C. §§ 470hh(a). DHR limits access to detailed archaeological data accordingly. DHR screens resumes or CVs for qualified individuals (SOI qualified archaeologists, historic preservation planners, agency or tribal cultural resource managers). Qualified individuals are responsible for ensuring that sensitive archaeological data is not misused or inappropriately distributed by any authorized VCRIS users in their organization.

If you or your organization does not meet these qualifications and you still need to conduct research with DHR information, DHR Archives staff can help you find what you need.

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Public Viewer
Full VCRIS help documentation
VCRIS Accounts
Searching for Information
Data Entry: Archaeology
Data Entry: Architecture
Architecture Data Entry Basics
Building Component Selections
Historic District or Complex Draft Guidance
Resource and Category Types

Frequently Asked Questions

VCRIS contains records for each property or site in our inventory. These records provide detail on archaeological investigations, archaeological survey, and DHR staff management decisions. The system includes an interactive GIS as well as a comprehensive digital collection of cultural resource management (CRM) reports and a growing collection of digital images.

Full VCRIS access including archaeology is limited to qualified organizations and individuals. Complete the VCRIS pre-screening form to find the best access level for you or your agency. If your organization is already registered in VCRIS, contact your Organization Administrator or DHR’s VCRIS accounts manager to be added as an authorized user.

License fees vary by duration and type. We offer complimentary data entry licenses, as well as Architecture (AH) or Architecture and Archaeology (AH & AE) access for 30-day and annual renewal periods.

Virginia’s cultural resource inventory contains detailed information about the location and nature of archaeological sites. Since archaeological sites may be at risk for looting and vandalism if this information is shared, these data are generally exempt from the Virginia Freedom of Information Act §2.2-3705.7. We provide access to detailed archaeological site location information on a need-to-know basis. However, if you or your organization produce publicly available maps, documents, or reports, do not include archaeological site locations. DHR staff are happy to provide you with technical assistance to safely share information in a way that meets your needs while protecting our irreplaceable heritage.

Detailed information is not available to the general public without a login, but DHR Archives staff members are happy to help. See below for contact info.

Contact Us

VCRIS Accounts Manager

Cemetery Preservation

DHR's Cemetery Preservation program provides information and resources to help preserve and protect the state's historic cemeteries and burial grounds. We also provide technical assistance with iss...

Grants & Funding Opportunities

TEST DHR administers several grant opportunities that provide financial and technical assistance to support the preservation and protection of historic resources in Virginia. In addition to grant p...

Regional Archaeology Programs

Most of the department’s archaeological survey, field, and technical assistance activities are conducted from our three regional offices. If you have questions pertaining to local archaeology, need...
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