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White & Gray Chert

Last Updated: April 4, 2023

White & Gray chert, healed fractures, 44LE0288, Lee County, Virginia.

White & Gray chert, oolitic, 44LE0089, Lee County, Virginia.

White & Gray chert, oolitic, 44LE0288, Lee County, Virginia.

White & Gray chert, porcellaneous, 44LE0288, Lee County, Virginia.

Type Cherts

Collection Location:
Samples of this chert are collected from Lee County (site 44LE0288), Virginia.

The sample includes a variety of light colored chert ranging from porcellaneous white to light tannish-gray. Much of the chert is oolitic while some exhibits fossil hash and healed incipient fractures. About half of the assemblage exhibits crenulated fractures, vitreous luster, and color changes (red, pink, orange) suggesting thermal alteration prior to bifacial reduction.

Distribution outside of Lee County, Virginia is unknown.

Cultural Implications
Several examples of Big Sandy Side Notched, Kirk Stemmed, and small triangular projectile points suggest that this type of chert was used during the Early Archaic and Late Woodland periods.


Prepared By McIlhany 2007; Egloff 2008