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Shenandoah Valley Chert

Last Updated: April 4, 2023

Shenandoah Valley chert, 44FK0003, Frederick County, Virginia.

Chert, 46BY125, West Virginia

Type Cherts

Collection Location:
The dark chert was recovered across Back Creek from the Fout Site (44FK0003) in Frederick County, Virginia; and a sample from 46BY125 in West Virginia.

Cherts, varying in color from black, gray, white and variegated, occur as replacement nodules along interfaces between carbonates and shales or sandstones. The cherts occur in both nodular and bedded forms in the limestone and dolomite. The black to gray-black chert is dense, brittle, and fractured. Since much of the material is fractured, large, finely flaked points are difficult to flake.

Some of the chert weathers out of the New Scotland Limestone geological formation.

Cultural Implications
Local cherts are widely used throughout most Native American time periods.


Prepared By Walker 1999; Egloff 2008