Rich Patch Chert

Last Updated: April 4, 2023

Rich Patch chert from site 44AY0173, Alleghany County, Virginia.

Type Cherts

Collection Location:
The chert was recovered from site 44AY0173, located high up on Rich Patch Mountain along the eastern slopes of the Allegany province in limestone formations permeated with sink holes, caves and springs.

This very high quality chert occurs in small nodules, normally smaller than an apple. Predominately light gray and dark gray, but a tremendous range of creams, browns, pink and gray-brown varieties, some showing white specks, or cryptocrystalline cavities.

Similar material has been seen at the Bessemer Site (44BO0026) on the James River in Botetourt County, and from site 44RN0035 in Roanoke County.

Cultural Implications
The chert was probably used throughout the Archaic and Woodland periods.


Prepared By Egloff 2008