Gray Chert

Last Updated: April 4, 2023

Gray Chert, 44WG0267, Washington County, Virginia.

Chert Gray spotted 44LE45

Type Cherts

Collection Location:
Two collection locations: 1) nodules and stringers weathered from bedrock along northwest side of King Ridge behind Washington County Industrial Park, 2) nodules eroding from South Holston lake bank on both sides of inlet when lake is below full pool (44WG267), 1000 feet south of junction of State Routes 664 and 669, Virginia.

The gray chert is in the form of various sizes of nodules and stringers. The chert is fine grained, uniform, and non-fractured. A variant of a gray chert with small light blue to white crystalline inclusions has been noticed in Lee County, in extreme southwest Virginia. This chert appears to be unique to that county.

The gray chert weathers out of the Ordovician Conococheague Limestone geologic formation.

Cultural Implications
Artifacts from all time periods and throughout southwest Virginia were made from this material.


Prepared By McIlhany 2000; Egloff 2008