Department of Historic ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know


The Virginia Department of Historic Resources’ programs are essential for the preservation of our nation’s collective history and culture. By identifying and protecting historic places across the commonwealth, the agency helps to maintain our connection to the past and ensure that future generations can learn from it.

Archaeological Collections

The Archaeological Collections programs of Curation and Conservation aim to ensure the proper management and preservation of archaeological collections. They provide for the curation, care, and treatment of artifacts and associated documentation while providing access for researchers, students, and educators.

Point of Contact

Allison Mueller

Senior Curator


Katherine Ridgway

State Archaeological Conservator


Serena Soterakopoulos

Collections Manager


Cemetery Preservation

DHR's Cemetery Preservation program provides information and resources to help preserve and protect the state's historic cemeteries and burial grounds. We also provide technical assistance with issues involving human skeletal remains, including issuing legal permits for the archaeological recovery of buried  remains.

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Point of Contact

Joanna Wilson Green

Archaeologist – Cemetery Preservation


Angel Williams

Register Program Administrative Assistant


Certified Local Government

Communities strengthen and expand their local preservation programs through Certified Local Government (CLG) designation. The CLG program was created by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended in 1980). It establishes a partnership between local governments, the federal historic preservation program(National Park Service), and each state’s State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), which in the case of Virginia is the Department of Historic Resources (DHR).

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Point of Contact

Aubrey Von Lindern

Northern Region Architectural Historian, CLG Program Manager


Community Outreach

DHR Community Outreach seeks to meaningfully engage communities throughout the state to enrich Virginia Cultural Resource Information System documentation on historic architecture, archaeological sites, districts, and landscapes especially associated with African American history. The program provides funding for historic resources identification and documentation, paid internships for students enrolled in Virginia-based Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and technical assistance to communities to foster, encourage, and support the stewardship of their historic cultural resources.

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Point of Contact

LaToya Gray-Sparks

Community Outreach Coordinator


DHR Archives

DHR's Archives houses the agency’s collection of records of the historic resources documented in Virginia.  These records can include descriptions of the resources; historical research; photographs, plans and other materials that document the history of Virginia and its people. The archives are open to the public by appointment Tuesdays through Thursdays, and it provides a great resource for anyone interested in a rich and diverse view of the state's past and the people who have shaped it.

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Point of Contact

Quatro Hubbard



Preservation Easements

DHR's Preservation Easement program allows property owners to voluntarily protect the historical, architectural and archaeological integrity of their property by placing a permanent preservation easement on the property. The easement restricts future development of the property, prohibits certain activities and requires prior approval of others. Except for rights specifically relinquished, the landowner continues to own, use and control the land.

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Point of Contact

Karri Richardson

Easement Program Specialist


Megan Melinat

Director, Preservation Incentives


Federal & State Review

DHR's Review and Compliance Division reviews federal and state projects that may impact historic and cultural resources, and provides recommendations for protecting and preserving these resources.

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Point of Contact

Samantha Henderson

Director, Review and Compliance Division


Grants & Funding Opportunities

TEST DHR administers several grant opportunities that provide financial and technical assistance to support the preservation and protection of historic resources in Virginia. In addition to grant programs managed by DHR, there are several additional grant programs available for preservation projects through other federal, state, and private entities that are linked. DHR currently does not have any grant programs available for rehabilitation or construction on private property. 



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Point of Contact

Caitlin Sylvester

Grant Coordinator

Highway Markers

The Highway Marker Program identifies and documents Virginia's significant historical persons, events, and places.  Our focus is on educating the public and providing accurate historical information, rather than on honoring, memorializing, or commemorating individuals or events. These markers, placed along state highways and roads, serve as a valuable resource for residents and visitors alike, providing a deeper understanding of the state's rich history and cultural heritage. 

Key Pages

Point of Contact

Jennifer Loux

Highway Marker Program Manager


Historic Registers

DHR manages the Virginia Landmarks Register and National Register programs in Virginia. Both Registers are lists of historically and culturally significant properties in Virginia, including buildings, sites, structures, districts, and objects, that have been recognized for their significance in Virginia’s history, architecture, archaeology, and culture. Nominations for historic properties in Virginia have been digitized and are available through DHR’s VLR Online portal. Through VLR Online, members of the public can read nominations and learn about the rich history and heritage of their community and Virginia’s historic places.

Click to see your regional DHR office contact information

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Point of Contact

Austin Walker

Division of Resource Information and Register


Regional Archaeology Programs

Most of the department’s archaeological survey, field, and technical assistance activities are conducted from our three regional offices. If you have questions pertaining to local archaeology, need help identifying or managing an archaeological site, or require educational information or speakers about area archaeology, contact the archaeologist who serves your region. Please consult the map below to identify the regional archaeologist in your area.

Point of Contact

Dr. Elizabeth Moore

State Archaeologist

804 482-6084

Mike Clem

Eastern Region Archaeologist


Tom Klatka

Western Region Archaeologist


Robert Jolley

Northern Region Archaeologist


State Archaeology

Division of State Archaeology (DSA) staff provide a variety of services to record and explore archaeological sites both on land and underwater, manage and conserve the millions of objects in our archaeological collections, and provide technical expertise to public and professional communities while promoting stewardship and preservation of these valuable resources. DSA staff provide dozens of presentations and training events each year and provide access to educational materials for teachers correlated to the Virginia Standards of Learning.

Key Pages

Point of Contact

Dr. Elizabeth Moore

State Archaeologist

804 482-6084

Survey Program

Point of Contact

Mae Tilley

Architectural Survey Data


Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits

DHR's Tax Credit program provides state tax credits to property owners who undertake the rehabilitation of historic buildings in compliance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Through the federal and state rehabilitation tax credit programs, property owners are given substantial incentives for private investment in preservation, resulting in enormous advantages to the public. The preservation of these structures encourages a connection to the past, enhances the identity of a community, and stimulates private investment.

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Point of Contact

Chris Novelli

Tax Credit Specialist


Tribal Outreach

DHR's Tribal Outreach Coordination efforts are intended to increase recordation of historic sites and artifact conservation associated with Native American communities through outreach, collaboration, partnership, research, and transparency with the multitude of Native American communities who's ancestral lands are within the external boundaries of what is today the Commonwealth of Virginia, the indigenous lands of Virginia's Native American communities and their ancestors. Through these efforts, DHR is working towards the development and implementation of collaborative preservation agendas to aid in identifying, evaluating and protecting historic and cultural resources associated with the resident and nonresident Tribes of Virginia. 

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Point of Contact

Jess Hendrix

Tribal Outreach Coordinator


Underwater Archaeology

DHR is tasked with the preservation and protection of underwater historic property, as defined in §10.1-2214 of the Code of Virginia. As a part of DHR's Division of State Archaeology, the Underwater Archaeology Program is tasked with the stewardship of submerged and maritime archaeological resources throughout the Commonwealth. While a specific focus is placed on archaeological resources within the waters of the Commonwealth, the Underwater Archaeology Program often works with private individuals and organizations to assist with the identification and preservation of maritime archaeological sites and artifacts. The program also works with other state agencies to assist with management of public cultural resources. Additionally, the program serves as an outreach arm of DHR to educate Virginians and visitors about the rich maritime past of our state. 

Key Pages

Point of Contact

Brendan Burke

State Underwater Archaeologist



The Virginia Cultural Resources Information System (VCRIS) is an online database that contains the inventory of buildings, districts, archaeological sites, and other types of properties. VCRIS allows researchers, cultural resource professionals, land managers, and other qualified users record sites and properties, as well as to conduct background research to support cultural resources management activities.

Key Pages

Point of Contact

Sean Tennant

VCRIS Accounts Manager


Group 180s
450+ Students

DHR has engaged over 450 students in 3 highway marker contests

Group 180s
3,317 Registered Resources

DHR has registered more than 3,317 individual resources and 613 historic districts

Learn More

Group 180s
2,532 Markers

DHR has erected 2,532 highway markers in every county and city across Virginia

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