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Points References

  • Benthall, Joseph L., 1990 Daugherty’s Cave: A Stratified Site in Russell County, Virginia. Archeological Society of Virginia Special Publication No. 18.
  • Bottoms, Edward, 1979 The Will’s Cove Projectile Point. Archaeological Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletin 34.1:48-49.
  • Broyles, Bettye J., 1971 The St. Albans Site, Kanawha County, Vest Virginia. West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Report of Archeological Investigations 3, Morgantown.
  • Broyles, Bettye J., 1976 A Late Archaic Component at the Buffalo Site, Putnam County, Vest Virginia. West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Report of Archeological Investigations 6, Morgantown.
  • Chapman, Jefferson, 1975 The Rose Island Site and the Bifurcate Point Tradition. University of Tennessee, Department of Anthropology, Report of Investigations 14, Knoxville.
  • Chapman, Jefferson, 1977 Archaic Period Research in the Lower Little Tennessee River Valley—1975: Icehouse Bottom, Harrison Branch, Thirty Acre Island, Calloway Island. University of Tennessee, Department of Anthropology, Report of Investigations 18, Knoxville.
  • Chapman, Jefferson, 1981 The Bacon Bend and Iddins Sites: The Late Archaic Period in the Lower Little Tennessee River Valley. The University of Tennessee, Department of Anthropology, Report of Investigations No. 31, Knoxville.
  • Claflin, William H., Jr., 1931 The Stallings Island Mound, Columbia County, Georgia. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 14(19), Cambridge.
  • Coe, Joffre L., 1964 The Formative Cultures of the Carolina Piedmont. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 54 Part 5, Philadelphia.
  • Coe, Joffre L., 1995 Town Creek Indian Mound. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
  • Cross, Dorothy, 1941 Archaeology of New Jersey, Vol. 1. New Jersey State Museum, Trenton.
  • Dent, Richard J., 1995 Chesapeake Prehistory: Old Traditions, New Directions. Plenum Press, New York.
  • Egloff, Keith T. and et al, 1988 Archaeological Investigations at Croaker Landing: 44JC70 and 44JC71. Virginia’s Department of Historic Resources Research Report Series No. 4, Richmond.
  • Egloff, Keith T. and Joseph M. McAvoy, 1990 Chronology of Virginia’s Early and Middle Archaic Periods. Archeological Society of Virginia Special Publication No. 22.
  • Gardner, William M., 1988 An Examination of Cultural Change in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene (circa 9200-6800 B.C.). Archeological Society of Virginia Special Publication No. 19.
  • Geier, Clarence R., 1996 The Cattle Run Variant of the Savannah River projectile Point Type. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia 51.4:154-177.
  • Hranicky, William Jack and Floyd Painter, 1989 A Guide to the Identification of Virginia Projectile Points. Archeological Society of Virginia Special Publication No. 17.
  • Johnson, William C. et al., 2007 The Early and Early Middle Archaic Period Occupations at the Confluence of the Little Kanawha and Ohio Rivers, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Paper presented at the 64 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee.
  • Kinsey, W. Fred, III, 1959 Recent Excavations on Bare Island in Pennsylvania: The Kent-Hally Site. Pennsylvania Archaeologist 29.3-4:109-133.
  • Kneberg, Madeline, 1956 Some Important Projectile Point Types Found in the Tennessee Area. Tennessee Archaeologist. 12.1:17-27.
  • Lewis, Thomas M.N. and Madeline Kneberg Lewis, 1961 Eva: An Archaic Site. University of Tennessee Study in Anthropology, Knoxville.
  • McAvoy, Joseph M., 1979 The Point-of-Rocks Paleo-Indian Site. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia 34.2.
  • McAvoy, Joseph M. and Lyn D. McAvoy , 1997 Archaeological Investigations of Site 44SX202, Cactus Hill, Sussex County, Virginia’s Department of Historic Resources Research Report Series No. 8, Richmond.
  • McAvoy, Joseph M. and Lyn D. McAvoy , 2003 The Williamson Clovis Site, 44DW1, Dinwiddie County, Virginia: an analysis of Research Potential in Threatened Areas. Virginia’s Department of Historic Resources Research Report Series No. 13, Richmond.
  • McCary, Ben C., 1953 The Potts Site, Chickahominy River, New Kent County, Virginia. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia 8.1.
  • Mouer, L. Daniel, 1986 Archaeology in Henrico: Investigations of the Archaeological Research Center Virginia Commonwealth University, Volume 2, Richmond.
  • Mouer, l. Daniel, Ryder and Johnson, 1981 The Elk Island Tradition: An Early Woodland Regional Society in the Virginia Piedmont. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia, 36.1-2:49-76.
  • Oliver, Billy L., 1981 The Piedmont Tradition: Refinement of the Savannah River Stemmed Point Type. M.A. Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
  • Painter, Floyd E., 1964 The Angelico projectile Point. The Chesopiean 2.3.
  • Painter, Floyd E., 1970 The Nottoway River Projectile Point. The Chesopiean 8.1.
  • Ritchie, William A., 1971 A Typology and Nomenclature for New York Projectile Points. New York State Museum and Science Service Bulletin 384 (1961 revised 1971), Albany.
  • Soday, Frank J., 1954 The Quad Site, a Paleo-Indian village in northern Alabama. Tennessee Archaeologist 10(1):1-20.
  • Stephenson, R.L., L.L. Ferguson and G. H. Ferguson, 1963 The Accokeek Creek Site: A Middle Atlantic Seaboard Culture Sequence. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Anthropological Papers No. 20, Ann Arbor.
  • Voigt, Eric and J. Jeffery Flenniken, Jeffrey T. Rasie, 2004 Archaeological Data Recovery at the Brook Run Jasper Quarry (Site 44CU122), Associated with the Proposed Route 3 Improvements, Culpeper County, Virginia. Louis Berger Group.
  • Waselkov, Gregory A., 1982 Shellfish Gathering and Shell Midden Archaeology. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
  • Witthoft, John, 1953 Broad Spearpoints and the Transitional Period Cultures in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Archaeologist 23.1:4-31.
  • Wright, H.T., 1973 An Archaeological Sequence in the Middle Chesapeake, Maryland. Maryland Geological Survey, Archaeological Studies, Number 1.
  • Wormington, H. M., 1957 Ancient Man in North America. The Denver Museum of Natural History, Popular Series No. 4, Denver.