Department of Historic ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Resources for Teachers and Students

Resources for Teachers and Students

For the Classroom

The African American Archaeological Resource Kit or ARK: This kit of teacher resource materials was assembled by Dr. Barbara Heath under the sponsorship of the Council of Virginia Archaeologists (COVA). It is organized around three actual archaeological sites in Virginia and contains artifacts; artifact identification flash cards; maps and site plans; a card game based on foodways; and explanatory material on each site. The kit circulates at no cost and is now available to be checked out by teachers, museums, and educational organizations. Contact Allison Mueller, Senior Curator, Richmond, (804) 482-6441, State Archaeology Division.

The Virginia Indian Archaeological Resource Kit or ARK: The ARK contains books, drawings, videos, replicas, and a computer game that will give students a variety of ways to explore archaeology and the Indians of Virginia. The kit circulates on loan at no cost. Museums, teachers, and educational organizations may make a reservation to borrow the kit by contacting Allison Mueller, Senior Curator, Richmond, (804) 482-6441, State Archaeology Division.

Information About Virginia Indians:

Cover of <em>First People</em>, a book about Virginia Indians from ancient beginnings through today.
Cover of First People, a book about Virginia Indians from ancient beginnings through today.

First People: The Early Indians of Virginia by Keith Egloff and Deborah Woodward:

This book incorporates recent events in the Native American community as well as additional information gleaned from publications and public resources. First People (2nd edition, 2006) brings to the fore a concise and highly readable narrative. Full of stories that represent the full diversity of Virginia’s Indians, past and present, this popular book remains an essential introduction to the history of Virginia Indians from the earlier times to the present day. Written for young adult readers and older ones, too. It can be purchased through local bookstores, online, or through University of Virginia Press.

First People: The Early Indians of Virginia (Online)Visit DHR’s online units based on the the book First People: The Early Indians of Virginia (see above).


AnthroNotes Digital Repository: The entire collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s Department of Anthropology publication AnthroNotes (1979-2012) and 262 individual AnthroNotes articles can be downloaded in three formats (PDF, mobi, ePub) from the Smithsonian Libraries digital database. The database is searchable by author, title, year and subject. Searches may be conducted in over 40 topics, including geographic regions, contemporary issues, and education. AnthroNotes includes research-based articles by leading scholars in the field as well as classroom-tested activities.

Updated March 10, 2020