
Holly Springs Apartments

VLR Listing Date


NRHP Listing Date


NRHP Reference Number


Holly Springs Apartments (present-day Village South Apartments) is a well-preserved garden-apartment complex in Richmond. Prolific Richmond architect E. Tucker Carlton designed the complex for William D. Maxey, Sr., a local contractor and developer, who owned and built it in 1947–1948 under Federal Housing Administration (FHA) guidelines and funding. It is one of thirteen FHA-insured garden apartments constructed in the greater Richmond area between 1945 and 1950 to meet housing needs in the early post-World War II era, and one of at least seven similar FHA apartments that Carlton designed. The complex exemplifies the middle-class urban apartment design that FHA encouraged from the 1930s into the immediate postwar years to alleviate the nation’s chronic housing shortage. The Holly Springs Apartments also embody essential principles that the FHA espoused concerning landscaping, construction, light and ventilation, and low-rise, harmonious buildings without lobbies or elevators.

Last Updated: January 4, 2024

Many properties listed in the registers are private dwellings and are not open to the public, however many are visible from the public right-of-way. Please be respectful of owner privacy.

VLR: Virginia Landmarks Register
NPS: National Park Service
NRHP: National Register of Historic Places
NHL: National Historic Landmark

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