
Maury Street Marker, Jefferson Davis Highway

VLR Listing Date


NRHP Listing Date


NRHP Reference Number


The United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) Maury Street Marker is listed under the UDC Commemorative Highway Markers along the Jefferson Davis Highway in Virginia multiple property documentation form. The Elliott Grays Chapter of the UDC erected the marker in 1935 at the intersection of Maury Street and Jefferson Davis Highway, U.S. Route 1, in South Richmond, to commemorate the location of some of the city’s inner defenses. The marker is of gray granite, 45 inches tall, 25 inches wide, and 9 inches thick. “Jefferson Davis Highway Erected by Elliott Grays Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy 1935” is carved on the front of the marker. Like other markers along Jefferson Davis Highway, the Maury Street Marker conveys the feeling of a more sedate age of travel in Virginia and reveals its origins as one of a series of memorials that marked a once-popular travel route.

Last Updated: June 12, 2024

Many properties listed in the registers are private dwellings and are not open to the public, however many are visible from the public right-of-way. Please be respectful of owner privacy.

VLR: Virginia Landmarks Register
NPS: National Park Service
NRHP: National Register of Historic Places
NHL: National Historic Landmark

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