Department of Historic ResourcesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know
The Dr. Albert Johnson House is listed under the multiple property documentation form for African American Historic Resources of Alexandria. The house at 814 Duke Street is significant as the former residence of Dr. Albert Johnson, one of the city’s first licensed African American physicians. Dr. Johnson graduated from Howard University in 1892 and practiced medicine in Alexandria for 46 years. He lived in this Duke Street townhouse from 1896 to 1940, using the lower level for his medical office, and was active in civic and fraternal organizations. The Dr. Albert Johnson House is also significant in the historic context of residential development in “the Bottoms,” the oldest African American neighborhood in Alexandria. Dr. Johnson’s house serves as a monument to his life and achievements.
Many properties listed in the registers are private dwellings and are not open to the public, however many are visible from the public right-of-way. Please be respectful of owner privacy.
VLR: Virginia Landmarks Register
NPS: National Park Service
NRHP: National Register of Historic Places
NHL: National Historic Landmark
DHR has stimulated more than $4.2 billion dollars in private investments related to historic tax credit incentives, revitalizing communities of all sizes throughout Virginia
DHR has secured permanent legal protection for over 700 historic places - including 15,000 acres of battlefield lands
DHR has erected 2,532 highway markers in every county and city across Virginia
DHR has registered more than 3,317 individual resources and 613 historic districts
DHR has engaged over 450 students in 3 highway marker contests
DHR has stimulated more than $4.2 billion dollars in private investments related to historic tax credit incentives, revitalizing communities of all sizes throughout Virginia
DHR has secured permanent legal protection for over 700 historic places - including 15,000 acres of battlefield lands
DHR has erected 2,532 highway markers in every county and city across Virginia
DHR has registered more than 3,317 individual resources and 613 historic districts
DHR has engaged over 450 students in 3 highway marker contests
DHR has stimulated more than $4.2 billion dollars in private investments related to historic tax credit incentives, revitalizing communities of all sizes throughout Virginia