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Historic African American Sites in Virginia

Historic African American Sites in Virginia

Listings in this category include historic places listed in the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places associated with African American history.

The collection is an update and extension of DHR’s 1995 book publication Virginia Landmarks of Black History, edited by DHR senior architectural historian Calder Loth. Introducing the volume, scholar Armstead L. Robinson (1947-1995) wrote, “Virginia does indeed encompass this nation’s longest continuous experience of Afro-American life and culture.” An extension of that book, DHR’s growing list of “Historic African American Places in Virginia” provides an “official catalog of the historic landmarks associated with that epic encounter,” as Robinson stated about the 1995 publication.

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A cream colored book cover featuring a white schoolhouse.
Cover of Virginia Landmarks of Black History, Edited by Calder Loth, 1995.
Photo of a building facade of the theater. It's a three story building with large windows and an awning.
Attucks Theatre, Norfolk. Photo credit: Brad McDonald/DHR, 2022