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Certified Local Government Grants (CLG)

Certified Local Government (CLG) designation allows a jurisdiction to apply for CLG grants through federal Historic Preservation Funds (HPF). Ten percent of all HPF monies that come to the Commonwealth of Virginia must be distributed to CLGs. DHR does this through a competitive grant process, open only to CLGs. For information on the CLG program and grants, please visit the CLG webpage.

FY 2024-2025 Certified Local Government Grant Request for Applications

The application deadline is April 8 for electronic submissions. All hardcopies must be in by April 10. 

Please read through the updated Grants Manual as there have been a few changes to a few requirements. You will also find the Sub-grant Application Financial Certifications and Questionnaire document attached. This must be turned in with your application to qualify for the grant. Also attached is the evaluation form that will be used to evaluate your application. 

If you would like to discuss potential projects, please don't hesitate to contact me or your regional architectural historian. We will be happy to help.

Just as a reminder, NAPC will be hosting FORUM this year in West Palm Beach, Florida and funding for staff and review board members to attend is an allowable cost for the CLG grant. 

More information on FORUM can be found here: Forum (

Additionally, DHR has also released the RFAs for the Cost Share Grant and CLGs may apply for this grant as well.

More information on this year's Cost Share grant can be found here:

Aubrey Von Lindern
Certified Local Government