Roles of Boards & Members

Roles of Boards & Members

Quarterly Board Meetings | Special Board Meetings | Forthcoming Public Meetings |
Minutes of Recent Board MeetingsRoles of Boards and Members 

Roles & Members

The Department of Historic Resources has two appointed citizen boards, the State Review Board and the Virginia Board of Historic Resources.

Appointed by the agency’s director, the State Review Board (SRB) consists of professionals representing the fields most relevant to the functioning of DHR:

  • archaeologists
  • historic architects
  • architectural historians, and
  • preservationists.

Appointed by the Governor, the Virginia Board of Historic Resources (VBHR or BHR) consists of citizens of the Commonwealth with an interest in and commitment to historic preservation.

When do the boards meet?
The State Review Board and Virginia Board of Historic Resources meet jointly each quarter of the year, usually the third Thursday in March, June, September and the second Thursday of December.

What does each board do?
Both boards consider nominations of historic places for listing in the Virginia Landmarks Register (VLR) and the National Register of Historic Places. The Board of Historic Resources approves nominations for the VLR, and the State Review Board approves nominations for submission to the National Park Service for listing in the National Register. (The same nomination form is used for both the state and national registers.)

Cover to Introduction to the RegistersIntroduction to the Registers: A Manual for Members of the Virginia Board of Historic Resources and the State Review Board—2023

During the boards’ joint quarterly meeting, the Board of Historic Resources votes on whether a nomination has made a case for listing in the Virginia Landmarks Register. If the board votes to accept the nomination, it is officially listed in the VLR at the completion of voting.

While the State Review Board does not vote to officially accept or reject nominations at the state level, it does vote to recommend to DHR’s Director that a nomination be forwarded to the National Park Service, which oversees the National Register program. If the State Review Board recommends a nomination for the National Register, the agency’s director reviews nomination and typically sends it to the Keeper of the National Register within 60 days. The Keeper of the National Register has a 45-day review period to complete review of a nomination and approve it for listing or to return the nomination to DHR either for additional work or because the Keeper finds that the property is not eligible for the National Register. DHR staff will coordinate any additional work that may be needed in order to resubmit the nomination to the Keeper at the National Park Service.

The Virginia Board of Historic Resources is also authorized by statute to approve new (or revised) state historical highway markers. Additionally, the Board of Historic Resources is authorized by statute to hold easements to protect historic resources throughout the Commonwealth. DHR staff administers those easements on behalf of the Board. During quarterly meetings, the Board of Historic Resources considers for approval new historical marker texts and easement donations.

What is the State Review Board’s role in the state and national register eligibility evaluation process?
During the register eligibility evaluation process, the State Review Board takes into consideration the recommendations of DHR’s National Register Evaluation Committee, which meets twice monthly throughout the year to review Preliminary Information Forms (PIFs) for properties that are being evaluated for register eligibility. These forms are also considered at each quarterly meeting by the State Review Board. Typically during a quarterly meeting, the State Review Board considers completed National Register nominations in the morning session and PIFs in the afternoon.

The State Review Board’s approval of a PIF signals to an applicant that their property meets the requirements for listing in the state and national registers, based on the information provided in the form. The property owner then may opt to have a nomination prepared. Property owners work with DHR’s regional office staff to complete the nomination process. 

DHR’s regional office staff are experts on the register program’s rigorous standards. They provide technical guidance about preparing a draft nomination, including how to research a property’s history. DHR staff use register program guidelines to offer ways to improve a nomination so that it makes a sound argument for the nominated property’s significance and eligibility for register listing. After a nomination has been approved by DHR staff, the department will place the nomination on the agenda of the next available quarterly board meeting.

If you wish to contact any of the board members listed below, please notify Jennifer Pullen at DHR, (804) 482-6085. She will forward your request to a board member.

State Review Board 

John Mullen, Chair, Falls Church

Jody Allen, Ph.D., Vice Chair, Ashland

Eleanor Breen, Ph.D., Alexandria

Jeffrey Klee, Ph.D., Williamsburg

Greg Rutledge, Norfolk

Carol Shull, Arlington

Larissa Smith, Ph. D., Farmville

Virginia Board of Historic Resources 

Mary Pope Hutson, Sweet Briar

Aimee K. Jorjani, Falls Church

Trip Pollard, Richmond

Kenneth Rutherford, Ph.D., Harrisonburg

Martin Townes, Richmond

Ashley Spivey, Ph.D., King William

Jamie Bosket, Richmond