Past News

DHR Currently Accepting Applications to the Threatened Sites Program


Image of collapsed building
Partially collapsed housing for the enslaved at a site threatened by surrounding development. A 2021 Threatened Sites grant provided for survey to determine the extent and integrity of intact associated archaeological deposits and provide data to make preservation management recommendations.

Submit Threatened Sites project proposals now. This DHR program offers small grants to support investigations of archaeological sites endangered by erosion, pending development, or vandalism. These grants do not address standing structures, only archaeological sites. All work associated with these grants must be completed within the state fiscal year in which they are awarded. All awardees must be registered with the state procurement system before a grant is awarded or work for a state college or university or government agency. All work must be supervised by an archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior Standards. Download the Threatened Sites Proposal Form.  Applications and supporting materials are due to DHR by May 15, 2023.

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