The Spencer Home.
Here at 1313 Pierce Street, Anne and Edward raised their family of two
daughters, Bethel and Alroy, and one son, Chauncey (pictured bottom photo,
far right).
Their gracious hospitality and beautiful home and garden became a salon for many
black intellectuals and leaders. W.E. DuBois frequently
visited as well as poets James Weldon Johnson, Langston
Hughes, and Sterling
A. Brown; other notable guests
included Martin Luther King Jr.,
opera singer Marion Anderson, agricultural innovator
George Washington Carver, and writers H.L. Menken, and Countee Cullen.
The Spencers also
offered safe respite for African-American travelers passing
through Lynchburg during an era when they were barred from
"whites only" hotels and motels.
The Spencers with guests in the garden
durng 1930s (top) and Chauncy Spencer
(far right) with friends in the 1910s.