
The vibrancy that American architects gave to the Italian Villa style is no better shown than in Mayhurst, described by architectural historian William B. O’Neal as “a delicious Victorian fantasy.” […]

Exchange Hotel

This landmark in the Orange County town of Gordonsville is a forerunner of the large railroad hotels that played an important role in the transportation history of late-19th- and early-20th-century […]

Custis Tombs

The monument marking the grave of John Custis IV is one of Virginia’s most ambitious examples of colonial funerary art. The elaborately carved pyramidal-topped marble block is decorated with the […]

Waterford Historic District

Nestled in the countryside of Loudoun County’s northern tip, the village of Waterford developed as a 19th-century Quaker milling community. The Waterford Historic District traces its origins to circa 1733 […]

Middleburg Historic District

The physical and psychological heart of Northern Virginia’s hunt country, the Middleburg Historic District, within the compact and fastidious southern Loudoun County  village of Middleburg, retains the qualities of its […]

Bluemont Historic District

The settlement of the Loudoun County village of Bluemont on the slope of the Blue Ridge Mountains was first known as Snickers Gap, after the Snickers family. By 1824 it […]

Rendezvous Docking Simulator

One of the most significant ground-based artifacts in space exploration history, the Rendezvous Docking Simulator facility enabled NASA’s Gemini and Apollo astronauts to practice space rendezvous procedures that they had […]

Variable Density Tunnel

Called the VDT, the Variable Density Tunnel is considered the most significant of NASA Langley Research Center‘s ground-based historic properties. Spurred by the European supremacy in aircraft design, a 1915 […]

Lunar Landing Research Facility

This simulator facility, constructed in 1965 on the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, was used by Apollo astronauts to practice final descent and touchdown for moon landings. The airy […]

Eight-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

Using concrete, the material of choice for projects funded by the Public Works Administration, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics completed this pioneering Eight-Foot High-Speed Tunnel in 1936. The most […]