The Almshouse

Built in 1860-61 as a place of refuge for the city’s poor, the Richmond Almshouse is an impressive monument to the reform movement that originated in the antebellum period. Designed […]

Portsmouth Naval Hospital

Originally known as the Norfolk Naval Hospital, this famous facility in the city of Portsmouth was an outgrowth of the 1798 Congressional act creating the Marine Hospital Service. Fort Nelson, […]

Orange Springs

Developed around a sulphur spring in eastern Orange County, Orange Springs was one of Virginia’s few early spas east of the Blue Ridge. The therapeutic quality of its waters was […]


Built ca. 1819 for Henry Pendleton, this stately old Louisa County homestead stands near the site of the 18th-century Cuckoo Tavern, from which the Revolutionary War patriot Jack Jouett began […]

Walter Reed Birthplace

Dr. Walter Reed, conqueror of yellow fever, was born in 1851 in this cottage at Belroi, a Gloucester County crossroad. The tiny house, a rural, one-room vernacular dwelling, is typical […]

Hook-Powell-Moorman Farm

Located in Franklin County near Hales Ford on the Lynchburg-Rocky Mount Turnpike, this plantation was settled in 1784 by John Hook, a Scottish-born merchant who built the vernacular Georgian structure […]

St. Mary’s Church

Clara Barton, founder and first president of the American Red Cross, established a field hospital at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Fairfax Station in August 1862 during the second […]

Charles Richard Drew House

Charles Richard Drew, M.D. (1904-1950) was one of the pioneers of American medicine. This African American physician’s research and discoveries concerning blood plasma on the brink of World War II […]

Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Shop

Edward Stabler, a Quaker pharmacist, started a family apothecary business in 1792, one which operated continuously until it closed in 1933. In 1796 the business moved permanently to 107 South […]