Geospatial Data Request

DHR provides static geospatial data by search area as requested. DHR charges a fee of $150 for each request fulfilled.

Available data layers include:

  • Architecture Polygons: Individually recorded properties, historic district, cemeteries, structures, and similar properties. Includes brief descriptive information and National Register evaluation status.
  • Archaeology Hexagons: Archaeological sites with sensitive detailed locations obscured within a .25 mile hexagon. Includes brief descriptive information and National Register evaluation status
  • Archaeology Polygons: Archaeological site boundaries and unmarked cemeteries. Includes brief descriptive information and National Register evaluation status. This is a sensitive dataset and may be available only to qualified individuals/organizations.
  • Phase I Archaeological Survey Areas: Digitized boundaries of archaeological surveys and references to reports held by DHR.
  • Historic Preservation Easements: Boundaries of properties held by the Board of Historic Resources under DHR Historic Preservation Easement.

Additionally, DHR provides access to several geospatial data layers through an ArcGIS service at no charge.

  • Architecture Points: Point locations of buildings, historic districts, cemeteries, structures, and similar properties. Does not include National Register evaluation status. This layer does not meet due diligence requirements for a DHR Archives search and is provided for reference only.
  • Historical Highway Markers: Point locations and attributes for Virginia's Historical Highway Markers.
  • VLR and NRHP Listed Properties: Polygon boundaries for properties listed on the Virginia Landmarks Register and/or the National Register of Historic Places. This layer does not meet due diligence requirements for a DHR Archives search and is provided for reference only.

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Quatro Hubbard

